ProjectRIK 1210

Build date: May 29 2015

===> Engine
===> Files and settings
===> Client
===> Graphics
===> Shaders
compile log:
Validation Error: Samplers of different types point to the same texture unit
Validation Error: Samplers of different types point to the same texture unit

^7[^1CRITICAL ERROR^7] Shaders failed to load 1. Try updating graphics card drivers, OpenGL 3.0 support is the minimum requirement.
===> Closing game

Updated drivers, still no solution... I have a Nvidia GeForce GT 540M

hey can you try these steps and see if they help. Making sure that it uses the nvidia GPU in the settings. Project rik should be located at %appdata%\ProjectRIK

The GT 540M should easily be able to run RIK. You could try updating drivers, but I think the problem is exactly what Piercy said. Laptops with Nvidia cards usually also have an "integrated" Intel graphics card, which is used for most things, and uses considerably less power than the (dedicated) Nvidia one. So just force it to run RIK on the Nvidia one, instead of the integrated Intel(?) card, and you should be fine. Let us know if it doesn't work out :)

It does work! Thank you for the help :) The game is amazing!

Sweet, glad to hear :mrgreen: