I recall this one did need some planning, so I'm opening it for conversation. I got the original idea from Tremulous https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6manXhQrd8 and how you can walk on walls there. Basically what I was after for RIK, was to have either a weapon or powerup that would allow you to shift gravity pull to some other side and also turn your view angle accordingly for a certain period of time. With the gravity pull changing, you could continue jumping just like before, but to player it would only look like the map flipped over. To make it work good requires a lot of thinking though. Main questions are:
- Weapon or powerup?
- How do you control which side the gravity starts to pull at?
- Should the time of different gravity pull be standard (i.e. 3 seconds), or up to mappers?
I haven't given this really that much thought, only thought it would be cool feature to have. I guess a powerup would be easy with some buttons like kp_keys binded to switch gravity pull, and they would change according to your view angle. For example: kp_leftarrow would always flid you on the wall on your left etc. Then again with weapons you could shoot points/triggers somewhere in map and the gravity switch would happen, which would bring more variety on routes and difficulty in general. As we already have many physics related stuff that will probably take months for people to learn properly, it could be easier for the gravity shift time being always the same.
In any case, this will create tons of opportunities in both mapping and routes in the future, so please give it careful consideration on how we should make it work out the best, as it surely is on the to-do list.
I love the idea that you could have multiple routes in a map some on the ceiling or walls, but wouldn't this need to depend on the map otherwise it could lead to some abuse. Unless all maps were designed towards this, but I think then it would become the main feature of the game.
Is there maybe a really really basic video of it in action? I watched your vid a couple of times and I still can't figure out what happened. The switch of view is so abrupt and I can't seem to see what happened.
Would ofc be map dependant, seeing as mapper woud have to place the powerup or weapon :) Didnt watch the vid yet but I think I know which one it is. Basically in RIK you could shoot the wall on you left, then gravity and your view would slowly(ish) transition so that wall becomes the floor for you, if that clears it up any :)
How woud you select which way the gravity shifts? Makes most sense to just shoot the wall to shift to. So theres not really a need for a separate weapon, could just use the laser for it..
It seems DeadCore uses a pretty good method for this. Shootpoints that shift gravity in a predefined area, once you step outside, gravity shifts back. Might make the mapping process easier, since just allowing a weapon that shifts gravity at will would likely result in alot of maps being broken by super-shortcuts.
Maybe having a semi-short range for gravity-altering shots would also solve that problem, though.
Action starts at 1:47 definitely a more understandable concept / better execution than the video in the OP.
Maps couldn't be broken by it. It would naturally only be available at maps intended for it.
I think having "shootpoints" for it would be boring. Much more interesting + opens up more possibilities if you can switch freely yourself. But the whole execution \ feel of it would naturally be much more like the deadcore video than the original one.
Maps couldn't be broken by it. It would naturally only be available at maps intended for it.
I think having "shootpoints" for it would be boring. Much more interesting + opens up more possibilities if you can switch freely yourself. But the whole execution \ feel of it would naturally be much more like the deadcore video than the original one.
by Dinius

 What I mean is it would be very difficult for mappers to account for all different possibilities a weapon like that would open up. Finding a significant short-cut that the mapper did not intend, is what i refer to as "broken" in this case.

If that's not a big issue, the non-shootpoint way would probably be more fun indeed!
Another idea; maybe the weapon could fire a "bubble" at the point you shoot, which had altered gravity within it? With the place shot becoming the floor
(Basically the same idea as DeadCore, except the area that's affected wouldn't be predefined by the mapper, or connected to a shootpoint)

Ah yeah, but there's quite easy fixes for that, clips\no-go areas for when you've shifted gravity is a possibility, and generally the map design would have to take it into account. Any skips or such that are possible after that will just have to be part of it imo, or even just fixed and update the map if they're really bad so no worries there really..
Not quite sure what you mean with "bubble"; but the idea is that the wall\whatever you shoot at essentially becomes the "floor" for you yeah.
In the video he posted on a certain area is affected by the different gravity (bubble). So you could mark any area, but it would still be limited.
Ah like that, yeah that could work!