Is trickjump dead now or is anyone still playing?

Had a break from gaming for the past 6 or 7 years but started to feel nostalgic for timeruns and trickjump so thought I'd check in and see how things were going, I'm having fun playing rik today but seems like I'm the only one, do people still play ET or has it died completely? Is anyone out there?

I’m not too up to date on things here, but to my knowledge ET has a playerbase similar to what it has had the past many years ( and Defrag ( etc is arguably a bit less active than past years but still probably more alive than ET. Warsow and others I got no clue. Also you’re quite welcome for the timely reply :)

Been playing Warsow for the past few weeks, seems pretty active, 10-15 regular players which isn't too bad.. Every time I look at the servers are empty so seems like it's not even worth installing ET. Have you given up with rik now? Honestly surprised it's so dead, for the few days I was playing on it, seemed like it has nice mechanics so it's a shame it never really took off