- Maps where you're last
- Maps where you're first
- Times you should improve (that will grant the biggest ELO boost)
Obviously this site is not goodlookingSo obviously I agree with you on that. :PThough the info does have value. Sure, at first, when there hasn't been very many entries made to the toplist of a map, it could appear pretty random.But seeing a "pro" player be, like, 5th place and 2s behind the current rec often leaves me wondering if he did a good run, but with a much worse route than the current rec-holder, or if he just barely tried at all.It would also clear up some cases where people just stop trying after they set a record, even if they could easily improve, just to be beaten by someone considerably worse than them.But yes, in most cases the info will only be interesting to yourself.One example of how it can be made to look better is having the toplist display something like:#<current rank>: <name> - <time> - <date/time of rec> (#<rank when rec was set>)Example:#6: Whoever - 19.064 - 2015-01-12 17:06 (#2) Wouldn't clutter alot, and if the table has titles, you can just describe the parenthesis part as "former rank" or so.Only displaying maps where you're first and last would not be information that people care to look at, as far as I can see. If you're good enough to care about stats, you're never going to have a last place. And if you're already first and noone has beaten you, you'll have 0 interest in that information aswell, I suppose.It's when you're beaten that it's worth knowing about (thus the notification idea)And the ELO thing (is there going to be such a feature, btw?), wouldn't that just list the maps with your worst scores? And aren't the worst scores often that way because you weren't really interested in playing that map in the first place?And only showing "recently" beaten maps, could cause you to feel in a hurry to beat them, before the "reminder" disappears. And (depending on what "recent" means, and how it's displayed) it could mean you'll loose a bunch of info you really wanted because you've been inactive for a while.Why not, then, just add one notification for each map where your rank has declined, while letting you remove them once you don't feel you need or want the info anymore?by QaleQ
If you want to see if it was an easily beaten record or not why not suggest that the number of attempts is included as a stat?At the ELO thing I hope there is ELO, skill or some equivalent. I'm much more interested in "Am I better than that other player?" rather that "have I played more maps than that other player?"by stealth
Number of attempts is a stat way too easy to tamper with, practicing in devmap or smth along those lines would nullify the value of that stat (shameful behaviour, but still very common).
Also, I'm not sure what we'll have in terms of being able to practice maps (in Warsow we can choose a position and speed to spawn with while in "practicemode", to more seemlessly practice later parts of a long map). If something alnog those lines will be available, attempt count will be utterly pointless.I absolutely agree with you that a skill stat would be very nice to have (so long as it can be made accurate and fair, preferably without causing people to feel the need to cut their runs short when they run the risk of not getting a time they deem "good enough")Not sure where the "have I played more maps than that other player" part entered the discussion, though :PI would say users mark their own times that they care so much about. Perhaps when you set a time, it would suggest an option of "let me know if someone gets better time". If it was to automatically send notification for every #1 time beaten, it would result into so much spam especially when a new map has come out or if you take a break for few months. Also there are many #1 times that would just suck in general, and you wouldn't care what your rank in them are/you'd know they get beaten easily.by huPo
Good point and idea! Notify people about loosing a 1st place (by default?), and let people choose wether to be notified if below 1st place (will rarely be used i suspect, but I don't have any experience with tryharding to be top 5 on a map, so I wouldn't really know..)
Kind of like following a thread on a forum?Not sure where the “have I played more maps than that other player” part entered the discussion, thoughby QaleQ
Let's just say a certain mod by a certain dev used this ranking method. :)
I like huPo's idea of subscribing to a map if you want to be updated if your rank changes. That way scoreboard remains clear and the players that want to try-hard can try-hard :Dor only setting #1 times even.. Which is lame.by Dinius
Or the whole point? If a player consistently gets #1 times and nobody can beat that person then yes I think they deserve to be rank 1. I agree that then there is less motivation to play new maps, maybe a tweak could be implemented to slightly benefit players for playing maps with 0 records.
i would suggest not having a player top ranking at all, defrag doesnt seem to have one and people still know who's better than who, shouldnt the amount of sick times you set be enough validation?
what happened to AP with the ELO system is that no one dared to play maps anymore because of muh elo ratingmaps that had 20+ recs were worth a shot, but playing a map with 3- records? no way. theres too much risk that the time set sucks and a noob can beat you and you jump down 3 ranksi stopped believing that having a player ranking is any good, it just makes people anxious and cautious about setting a time and playing the damn game imo
Yes let’s stick to how it’s always been and try not to change stuff at the risk of improving things!Oh, and yeah, go tell that to basically every sport type of thing out there, racing, boxing, football, whatever! There's no point in having a ranking system, people should just "know" who's best by looking at separate stats for each race or match or whatever. Yay!by Dinius

What about the rating system I proposed doesn't reflect player skill?Also, I don't entirely understand the rating system you're talking about.by Pudd
Based on your "less harsh" model:
Mario is 5,70% slower than Sonic. Peach is 5,71% slower than Sonic. (0,01% difference)Peach gets 86,22% as many points as Mario.Bowser is 14,28% slower than Sonic (and 8,57% slower than Peach). Bowser gets 85,21% as many points as Peach.How can you argue that a point system like this reflects actual skill?Mario and Peach being 0,01% apart, Peach and Bower being 8,57% apart, yet the percental decline in points is around 85% in both cases.Peach is not 85% as skilled as Mario and Bowser isn't 85% as skilled as Peach.-As for my suggested point-system, I'll write explainations on how everything is calculated, and put it in the example sheet I've created, tomorrow.The “harshness” of the rating system is affected by the POINT_SCALING value.by Pudd
Yeah I know ;) Was just agreeing that as-is without adjustments, it would be too harsh :)
How can you argue that a point system like this reflects actual skill?Yeah your argument makes sense... it could more accurately reflect player skill if the points were based on the time relative to the leader. The sacrifice of accuracy is worth it in my opinion though, since the way it is now encourages competition and offers more of a reward for going up in rank.by QaleQ
So your elo rating would only be like 1001? :lol:by Dinius
no its += so it would keep adding 1000 :D id be on about 10,001 by now
As said above and before, Elo in a 1v1 type of scenario, where both players are competing against each other, is a good system. But not for this kind of record\competition stuff, then it’s just awful.by Dinius
This point still stands, methinks :)
How can I justify the punishing stuff. Well because it's not punishing it's the same as the point system you are going to use, but it can't as easily be gamed.
With Elo-rating if a player has more #1 ranks than you and you are ranked higher on the leaderboard it makes sense. It means that if you go and play those maps where he is ranked #1 you will become the #1 rank, because you are better than all of those players. Hmmm... I just realized that there is 1 problem here - maps are different so if a player is good at a rocket map and you're not then it doesn't necessarily mean you're better.if you can beat #1s or whatever inside that month Elo-style, surely you can beat #1s with the other ranking system and you’d be ranked better anyways!No, with the map system it's not possible. Both players keep setting times for the last month and eventually the player who was already rank 1 wins (more play time)I feel that the Elo rating is being too easily dismissed. It's as though it already had a negative connatation before I even mentioned it. At the end of the day I'm still going to play the game even if the leaderboard is meaningless. Can we run some numbers before we make a decision? I like what Pudd did, but that's just for 1 map. What happens for 10 maps? 100 maps? As a final request can you save the date when a record was set?by Dinius
it’s just awfulWell I say it's great. Boom, counter that. :Dby Dinius
And also, saying it’s “meaningless” without elo is just dumb, come on. It’s not like it would practically speaking make much of a difference on the actual rankings tbh. :/by Dinius
I don't think so, but will wait to be proven wrong with datasets. I think by using the percentile thing Pudd suggested the problem of "more records = higher rank" will be alleviated, but not solved.
Maybe not as noticeably for the top 10 list, but probably very noticeable for players that aren't that good.But, doesn’t this mean that if you’re e.g. rank 50 on map, that you won’t get any points at all?This isn't necessarily true. There are two factors in the equation now: rank and time. As far as rank goes, it's the percentile rank that matters, not the actual rank. So if you're 50th on a map that has 500 records set, your percentile rank is .9. This means that it would be the same as being 2nd on a map with 10 records set. But if you're 50th on a map with 50 records, the rank-part of the equation will award you the minimum possible points for the map.by Dinius
What happens if there's only 1 time on a map. That players gets 50 points? (with the values in the excel sheet)Actually this would produce a divide by zero error, oops!. The part of the equation where it's (n-r)/(n-1). Since n = 1, the divisor is 0. So I guess this case will have to be checked for. I'm thinking they should be rewarded the maximum points per map though.by stealth
I personally don’t really like this system, because it doesn’t take into account who you beat.My math instincts tell me it *would* be possible to factor who you beat into the equation along with the percentile rank and time relative to the best time. It's not obvious to me how I would do that. I think things would get really complicated with all the constants that need balancing too.*edit* I figured out how to factor in a third variable to the rating system. I'll explain if it ends up being needed.by stealth
With this points per map system it’s like participation rewards. I can be a bad player and still get rank #5 just by playing more maps than everybody else.If this is an issue, then the rank harshness and time harshness values could be increased, and the minimum possible points per map can be set to zero. This could make it so that only players with (what is deemed as) good times/rank get points.by stealth
But I argue that with your map system there is no point participating at all since if I can only play 1 hour per day I’m never going to get to the top (Unless I’m a God and can beat every map quickly and other players allow me to swap map). Play more = higher rank.I think that it's fair that a player who plays 1 hour a day is ranked lower than a player that plays 10 hours a day, assuming the player playing 10 hours a day is not 10 times worse ; ).by stealth
You could implement rating decay. If you don’t play for a while then your rating starts to go down, then you have an incentive to play new maps and stay active.Personally, this would demotivate me from playing, since there is less permanence to the points I'm getting. The same is (even more so) true if the points are periodically reset, Dinius.by stealth
Another possibility is giving new players a certain boost. For the first X amount maps you get additional rating.Would the points earned by the boost go away after a certain amount of time, or remain? If it remains, then everyone would have the same boost, so it wouldn't be an advantage at all. If it goes away, then these points seem, well, pointless.by stealth
What is all this talk about more playtime equating in higher rank? I don't see how those two relate :s
I've just taken it for granted up until now, but won't your "skill" be something like points / maps played? Not just the total points you have on all maps added together?
And if so, wouldn't that eliminate the benefit of just playing more, but rather push you to try and do as well as you can on each map? (I can see how this could make people feel "forced" to set a good time.. but the more maps you've done well on, the less your "skill" would suffer from setting a mediocre time)
Maps with fewer times could very well present a problem. I would prefer this being solved by not spam-adding maps into this game, but rather adding maybe a handful each week at most, so they all get their fair share of playtime.
What we had in mind for Warsow to "solve maps with few/no times", was to make the points for 1st place equal to the "skill" of the highest skilled player to have a time on the map. (This to prevent people from being able to bump up their skill by uploading a bunch of maps, setting a time and call a new map right away).
And I do agree with Pudd on the whole "resetting periodically" thing. It's a huge demotivator for me, as I suspect it will be for many other players.
We're going through this in Warsow right now, having changed so much in the new version, we had to wipe the toplist. Many players are so opposesed to this that they've stop playing entirely, even with us keeping an archive of the toplist in a seperate /topold command, letting you see past records..I don't see myself ever tryharding to improve a run if I'm already 1st, if I'll have to do it again in a few months just to keep my position..Who would benefit from this, and how?Personally I would always perfer being rated according to where I fit into the all-time rankings way ahead of being rated according to how well people has re-played these maps in the past few months..What is all this talk about more playtime equating in higher rank? I don’t see how those two relate :sby QaleQ
Some player may be the best jumper in the game, but in my view if he only set times on one or two maps, he shouldn't expect to be ranked high on the leaderboard, even if they are #1 times.
I’ve just taken it for granted up until now, but won’t your “skill” be something like points / maps played? Not just the total points you have on all maps added together?by QaleQ
This again runs into the issue of demotivating people from setting new times. All I would have to do is focus on a single map, then I'd be on top of the leaderboard.
That way if you set just ONE time on the most popular map, you'd be the overall #1 player... Unless I'm missing something?I see a number of ways to work around that. A minimum number of maps required to be played (say, somewhere between 30 and 50) before you get a "skill" ranking. Or, smth more advanced, reducing the "skill" by a certain amount depending on how many maps you have time on. Like: <so... I had an example here but editing my post removed all the rest of this line, nice! example below..><5 = -30 skill, 5-10 = -20 skill, 10-30 = -30 skill (or something more dynamic, but along those lines) (Can't believe both you and Pudd put down my skill suggestion with an argument that's so very easily fixable :p)by Dinius
As for periodical resets; yea, if physics change and old scoreboard becomes irrelevant, then by no means should we cling to the old times (Kind of thought this was smth you wanted to avoid.. can't see why physics would ever need to change, either).
But in all other cases it's a demotivator for achieving the best possible time. Can't really compare timerun games with LoL in that sense.It'll demotivate people from improving times when they are already first, and it'll demotivate people playing at all the last few weeks before season ends, since the times they set will be moot in a matter of days Sure, the top 5 people might tryhard like crazy in the end, to fight for a better position, but for everyone else it's just playing for nothing then..If resets-for-no-real-reason is a definate thing, then this game will only be something I do for casual fun, I can't be arsed with tryharding the same map every 3 months, that sounds super boring to me.
And I would never feel any sense of accomplishment for being #1 on a map if I didn't know I was #1 overall.. Not saying this to change your mind, just letting you know how I (and probably alot of other people) view it. But yea, who knows, maybe I'll fall in love with some of the other game modes instead ^^err,, the problem still remains. If we got a minimum of 50 times, then there'd only be points to LOSE by setting records on maps aside from the 50 most popular ones... Even if you work around that somehow, it still discourages activity..by Dinius
Im still confused. Where has it been suggested that you'd get more points for playing a popular map?
If you're going by my "Warsow-solution", then yes, there would only be points to lose playing a rarely played map IF! none of the players that has a time on the map (or sets a time in the future) has a higher skill than you...What's not being fulfilled by the Polynominal system?I would argue that you get the number of points you deserve with this system, and if you set a time on an empty map, the only thing you won't know is how well your record will compare to the other peoples times, once they set them. You could ofcourse get 100 points for a record on an empty map imo, so long as there aren't 4k maps in the game and 20 people in the community (warsow style), the map should get played enough for you to be rated fairly eventually.Yea ofcourse not gonna lock it down, what I said was that I thought you wanted to avoid it. Unavoidable situations could ofcourse occur. Other than that I thought any new additions to the game would mostly be map-specific things, and thus wouldn't affect the integrity of the toplist.
What can I say, it just isn't for me. I don't want to feel forced to do well in a pre-decided time-window. And I don't like the idea that going on a month long vacation, or taking a break from the game, could make many months of tryharding be for nothing.
And really, you don't get my argument "at all"? You see no sense in me being more interested in where I fit in to the overall rankings than some seasonal ranking?And people just WILL not tryhard the last few weeks of a season, no matter how little sense you see in my argument. If you go on a map knowing that if you tryhard it today, it might sliiiiightly bump your score a little bit (at the end of the season, one map won't make much of a difference at all, so it's not like it's gonna give you a better place in the rankings), and people might see your time and give you some kudos or w/e for a few weeks (though, it probably won't get re-voted again in that short time period, since there will probably be enough maps that we wont see the same maps twice in a matter of a few weeks, so ppl probably wont ever know you did it). Or, you hold off for a few weeks and tryhard it in the next season, making a toplist entry that people will see for a whole year, and that will affect your rank for the whole upcoming year.. I think the choice is going to be obvious..And people just WILL not tryhard the last few weeks of a season, no matter how little sense you see in my argument.by QaleQ
That's just not true, I've experienced just the opposite actually. As for the rest I'd just be repeating myself :P