Looks cool, but I must say that the 3 things don't seem to go together. First you have a very sleek robot design with lots of curves. Then you have a very rectangular gun, the grip doesn't look very comfortable for the curved design of the robot. Then lastly you have a flag that looks ripped & tied to a pole with some cloth. Maybe the contrast will be less when textures are applied or maybe I'm just nit-picking.
Hyper modern to apocalyptic in 3 images.
Why not just change the arm of the robot into a gun (if that's possible) example:
http://youtu.be/7nYBfYlU0mA?t=1m9sAs for the flag shoudln't it represent the country / faction / team behind it? Like orcs would have a dirty, ripped flag on a stick and elves would have a clean sleek flag on a hand crafted staff. (obviously not very relevant examples, but I hope you get the point)