Is it possible to create a strafestyle like css? I mean at the strafestyle 0 (fullbeat) its possible to jump like in css, but the speed is too low (you cant really gain speed)...

I think a css-like strafestyle would be like full aircontrol and thats unfair, so to be fair:

This mode could be slower (u dont gain speed like with fullbeat), but fast enough for fun, and these races could be ranked in a own section like the weapons right now are...

pls implement this :)

Errr.. I'm not quite sure what you want here.. You CAN gain a whole lot of speed using fullbeat.. But then again you talk about surf, so again, I'm sort of lost as to what exactly you're on about. Do you want more accel on the surfs, or are you simply asking for "bunnyhop aircontrol" like in CSS (see video below)?

Youtube video

yes, I think he is just asking for cs:s like physics and aircontrol. IMO I don't think this will really fit in this game, as those physics are very different from rik. Also there is a standalone bhop/surf mod coming up soon too, so we don't really need it either.

Edit: I also dont think this will be possible as it would need to change almost everything in the engine

i mean a strafestyle which is like bhop..

fullbeat (strafestyle 0) is like that if you dont use w.

but if you dont press w, you cant really gain speed like if you would

i mean a strafestyle which is like bhop..

fullbeat (strafestyle 0) is like that if you dont use w.

but if you dont use w, you cant really gain speed like if you would

how to explain XD....

u dont use w if you bunnyhop, but you can, then its just a diffrent style (but no engine/logic, just called)..

its like fullbeat and halfbeat in et... just diffrent styles but same logic...

I think he is asking for air accel

the acceleration is right if u are at the strafestyle fullbeat (player_strafeStyle 0) and dont use w.

but u are slow if u dont use w.

im asking about a strafestyle which u have everytime _full aircontrol_ even if u use w, but thats unfair because its easier, so to be fair it could be slower then normal strafing, but faster then "it is now" (it is now = in the fullbeat strafe if you dont use w).

my english is bad, but the acceleartion is something like to control the resistance in the air/water...

im talking about to create a new strafestyle, with own ranking, similar like it is in css...

the acceleration is ok if u use the fullbeat strafestyle without to use anytime the key "w"

but u are slow if u dont use w.

im asking about a strafestyle which u have everytime _full aircontrol_ even if u use w, but thats unfair because its easier, so to be fair it could be slower then normal strafing, but faster then "it is now" (it is now = in the fullbeat strafe if you dont use w).

my english is bad, but the acceleartion is something like to control the resistance in the air/water...

im talking about to create a new strafestyle, with own ranking, similar like it is in css...

the acceleration is ok if u use the fullbeat strafestyle without to use anytime the key "w"

but u are slow if u dont use w.

im asking about a strafestyle which u have everytime _full aircontrol_ even if u use w, but thats unfair because its easier, so to be fair it could be slower then normal strafing, but faster then "it is now" (it is now = in the fullbeat strafe if you dont use w).

my english is bad, but the acceleartion is something like to control the resistance in the air/water...

im talking about to create a new strafestyle, with own ranking, a similar strafestyle like it is in css...

It this style:

If you press a single key (singe press w,a,sd) from strafeStyle 0, fullbeat

combined with:

If you press combined keys (combined press w+a; w+d; s+a; etc. pp.), inverted

in both cases u have full aircontrol, thats like css :D

It is this style which I mean:

If you press a single key (singe press w,a,sd) from strafeStyle 0, fullbeat

combined with:

If you press combined keys (combined press w+a; w+d; s+a; etc. pp.), inverted

in both cases u have full aircontrol, thats like css :D

So basically you want to strafe in RIK like you strafe in CS. Yeah, not gonna happen.

Oh good.

Oh, good.


Oh, good.
