It would appear coming off the spine of a surf ramp slows you down a lot more than coming off the end, even if you do roughly the same curve. Been noticed by multiple people and doesnt seem quite right, if you need more info let me know :)
This is just how things are.. even if you keep the same curve, you'll have spent more time going "upwards" if you leave from the top, than if you leave from either end of the surf.. Hence less speed.
Like I told you some time ago this is the main thing the adjusted surf physics makes a lot more forgiving, but that needs a lot more testing etc before it'll be released.
yes you lose more speed when travelling upwards. However, you lose far more speed going off the spine than you do travelling up a ramp (even one thats angled upwards).
Every person on the test server last night came to the same conclusion: "Dont come off the spine youll lose massive speed". Ill try demo it but theres something about the spines that seem to be causing issues imho.
asda also mentioned that spines should be slick (since surf textures are slick) and they're not.
Like we talked about @skype, you might need to have a "combined triangle" for the top section of a /\ type of surf. :)