- Download previous map from website

- Drag map file to mapping dir

- Try to compile map (normal / final)

- Error compiling map, because of the name. (xxx.1.map)

What is the error? Seems to work for me now, although I remember that there was some issue here a while back, hence why I changed newer maps to just have the xxx.map format..

I don't see how I can reply to a PM? EDIT: ah can't reply to server message

Anyway the lighting bug was probably caused by a failed final compile for stealth-purple. I changed the area around the first checkpoint so the map should be able to be completed faster. Only 1 checkpoint now instead of 2 & only 2 shoot points now instead of 4. Also corrected a minor bug with the brushes in the drop.


[13:38] 2 Maps
[13:38] Compile switches:
BSP: -meta -samplesize 8 -lightPhaseLightMapScale 0.5
VIS: -vis
LIGHT: -light -fast -shade
6 threads

--- BSP ---
Creating meta surfaces from brush faces
Lightmap sample size set to 8x8 units
Loading C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-purple.map
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/pink
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/pink_dark
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/purple_dark
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/base
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/basedark
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/green
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/red
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
0 areaportals
Size: -768, -2816, -4352 to 29184, 2816, 1536
block size = { 20000 20000 20000 }
Entity leaked: 4
96 leafs filled
writing C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-purple.prt
--- EmitMetaStats ---
936 total meta surfaces
908 stripped surfaces
28 fanned surfaces
0 patch meta surfaces
0 meta verts
0 meta triangles
--- WriteSurfaceExtraFile ---
Writing C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-purple.srf
Writing C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-purple.bsp
Wrote 0.7 MB (750244 bytes)
0 seconds elapsed
6 threads

--- Vis ---
Loading C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-purple.bsp
Loading C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-purple.prt
392 portalclusters
1389 numportals
1320 numfaces
2778 active portals
0 hint portals

--- BasePortalVis (2778) ---
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (1)
11 average number of passages per leaf
5 MB required passage memory

--- CreatePassages (2778) ---
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)

--- PassagePortalFlow (2778) ---
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (2)
creating leaf vis...
Total clusters: 392
Total visible clusters: 68297
Average clusters visible: 174.23 (44.446/total)
Standard deviation: 78.71 (20.080/total, 45.179/avg)
Minimum: 38 (9.694/total, 21.811/avg)
Maximum: 381 (97.194/total, 218.680/avg)
Writing C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-purple.bsp
Wrote 0.7 MB (772212 bytes)
3 seconds elapsed
6 threads

--- Light ---
--- ProcessGameSpecific ---
lightning model: quake3
lightmap size: 1024 x 1024 pixels
lightning gamma: 1.000000
lightning compensation: 1.000000
lightning exposure: 1.000000
lightgrid scale: 1.000000
lightgrid ambient scale: 1.000000
shader lightstyles hack: disabled
patch shadows: enabled
deluxemapping: enabled with modelspace deluxemaps
--- ProcessCommandLine ---
Fast mode enabled
Phong shading enabled
Loading C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-purple.bsp
Loading C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-purple.srf
Loading C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-purple.map
************ ERROR ************
safe_malloc failed on allocation of 5866128 bytes

[13:38] FAILED Final compile of "stealth-purple.map"


Here's the log for the original bug report:


[13:38] 2 Maps
[13:38] Compile switches:
BSP: -meta -samplesize 8 -lightPhaseLightMapScale 0.5
VIS: -vis
LIGHT: -light -fast -shade
6 threads

--- BSP ---
Creating meta surfaces from brush faces
Lightmap sample size set to 8x8 units
Loading C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-purple.map
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/pink
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/pink_dark
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/purple_dark
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/base
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/basedark
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/green
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/red
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
No lightmapscale specified in map file, using command line value of 0.500000
0 areaportals
Size: -768, -2816, -4352 to 29184, 2816, 1536
block size = { 20000 20000 20000 }
Entity leaked: 4
96 leafs filled
writing C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-purple.prt
--- EmitMetaStats ---
936 total meta surfaces
908 stripped surfaces
28 fanned surfaces
0 patch meta surfaces
0 meta verts
0 meta triangles
--- WriteSurfaceExtraFile ---
Writing C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-purple.srf
Writing C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-purple.bsp
Wrote 0.7 MB (750244 bytes)
0 seconds elapsed
6 threads

--- Vis ---
Loading C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-purple.bsp
Loading C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-purple.prt
392 portalclusters
1389 numportals
1320 numfaces
2778 active portals
0 hint portals

--- BasePortalVis (2778) ---
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (1)
11 average number of passages per leaf
5 MB required passage memory

--- CreatePassages (2778) ---
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)

--- PassagePortalFlow (2778) ---
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (2)
creating leaf vis...
Total clusters: 392
Total visible clusters: 68297
Average clusters visible: 174.23 (44.446/total)
Standard deviation: 78.71 (20.080/total, 45.179/avg)
Minimum: 38 (9.694/total, 21.811/avg)
Maximum: 381 (97.194/total, 218.680/avg)
Writing C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-purple.bsp
Wrote 0.7 MB (772212 bytes)
3 seconds elapsed
6 threads

--- Light ---
--- ProcessGameSpecific ---
lightning model: quake3
lightmap size: 1024 x 1024 pixels
lightning gamma: 1.000000
lightning compensation: 1.000000
lightning exposure: 1.000000
lightgrid scale: 1.000000
lightgrid ambient scale: 1.000000
shader lightstyles hack: disabled
patch shadows: enabled
deluxemapping: enabled with modelspace deluxemaps
--- ProcessCommandLine ---
Fast mode enabled
Phong shading enabled
Loading C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-purple.bsp
Loading C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-purple.srf
Loading C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-purple.map
************ ERROR ************
safe_malloc failed on allocation of 5866128 bytes

[13:38] FAILED Final compile of "stealth-purple.map"
[13:42] Copied 'C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Local\Temp\7zEE76B.tmp\stealth-orange.1.map' to 'Level Design\Maps\stealth-orange.1.map'
[13:42] 3 Maps
[13:42] Compile switches:
BSP: -meta
VIS: -vis -fast
LIGHT: -light -fast -shade
6 threads

--- BSP ---
Creating meta surfaces from brush faces
Loading C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-orange.1.map
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/orange_dark
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/orange
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/base
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/basedark
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/orange_light
Couldn't find image for shader textures/slide/mirrorslide
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0_ext/decal/orange
Couldn't find image for shader textures/decals/darken/44
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0_ext/decal/orange_dark
WARNING: Over 90 percent structural map detected. Compile time may be adversely affected.
0 areaportals
Size: -6144, -512, -9984 to 22272, 39680, 3584
block size = { 20000 20000 20000 }
97 leafs filled
WARNING: node without a volume
node has 4 tiny portals
node reference point 13200.00 5728.16 -6016.00
writing C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-orange.1.prt
--- EmitMetaStats ---
3336 total meta surfaces
3261 stripped surfaces
75 fanned surfaces
0 patch meta surfaces
0 meta verts
0 meta triangles
--- WriteSurfaceExtraFile ---
Writing C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-orange.srf
Writing C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-orange.1.bsp
Wrote 1.5 MB (1619748 bytes)
5 seconds elapsed
6 threads

--- Vis ---
fastvis = true
Loading C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-orange.1.bsp
Loading C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-orange.1.prt
1165 portalclusters
4233 numportals
3169 numfaces
8466 active portals
0 hint portals

--- BasePortalVis (8466) ---
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (1)
creating leaf vis...
Total clusters: 1165
Total visible clusters: 1249707
Average clusters visible: 1072.71 (92.078/total)
Standard deviation: 118.01 (10.129/total, 11.001/avg)
Minimum: 2 (0.172/total, 0.186/avg)
Maximum: 1165 (100.000/total, 108.603/avg)
Writing C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-orange.1.bsp
Wrote 1.7 MB (1796848 bytes)
1 seconds elapsed
6 threads

--- Light ---
--- ProcessGameSpecific ---
lightning model: quake3
lightmap size: 1024 x 1024 pixels
lightning gamma: 1.000000
lightning compensation: 1.000000
lightning exposure: 1.000000
lightgrid scale: 1.000000
lightgrid ambient scale: 1.000000
shader lightstyles hack: disabled
patch shadows: enabled
deluxemapping: enabled with modelspace deluxemaps
--- ProcessCommandLine ---
Fast mode enabled
Phong shading enabled
Loading C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-orange.1
Loading C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-orange.srf
************ ERROR ************
Error opening C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-orange.1: No such file or directory

[13:42] FAILED Normal compile of "stealth-orange.1.map"


Both compiles failed due to the memory allocation :)

Simply don't use the final compile if like here the map/pc combo can't handle it. I haven't used final compile on any of my maps. The only map I know of which looks better with it is piercy-ethos, most other cases it's negligible, or even worse looking.

I assume you're using the feature to "show the compile window", rikdev doesn't intercept these error messages then and it's up to you instead.

Normal compile on stealth-orange.1.map :


[21:25] 5 Maps
[21:40] Compile switches:
BSP: -meta
VIS: -vis -fast
LIGHT: -light -fast -shade
6 threads

--- BSP ---
Creating meta surfaces from brush faces
Loading C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-orange.1.map
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/orange_dark
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/orange
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/base
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/basedark
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0/orange_light
Couldn't find image for shader textures/slide/mirrorslide
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0_ext/decal/orange
Couldn't find image for shader textures/decals/darken/44
Couldn't find image for shader textures/base0_ext/decal/orange_dark
WARNING: Over 90 percent structural map detected. Compile time may be adversely affected.
0 areaportals
Size: -6144, -512, -9984 to 22272, 39680, 3584
block size = { 20000 20000 20000 }
97 leafs filled
WARNING: node without a volume
node has 4 tiny portals
node reference point 13200.00 5728.16 -6016.00
writing C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-orange.1.prt
--- EmitMetaStats ---
3336 total meta surfaces
3261 stripped surfaces
75 fanned surfaces
0 patch meta surfaces
0 meta verts
0 meta triangles
--- WriteSurfaceExtraFile ---
Writing C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-orange.srf
Writing C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-orange.1.bsp
Wrote 1.5 MB (1619748 bytes)
4 seconds elapsed
6 threads

--- Vis ---
fastvis = true
Loading C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-orange.1.bsp
Loading C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-orange.1.prt
1165 portalclusters
4233 numportals
3169 numfaces
8466 active portals
0 hint portals

--- BasePortalVis (8466) ---
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (1)
creating leaf vis...
Total clusters: 1165
Total visible clusters: 1249707
Average clusters visible: 1072.71 (92.078/total)
Standard deviation: 118.01 (10.129/total, 11.001/avg)
Minimum: 2 (0.172/total, 0.186/avg)
Maximum: 1165 (100.000/total, 108.603/avg)
Writing C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-orange.1.bsp
Wrote 1.7 MB (1796848 bytes)
2 seconds elapsed
6 threads

--- Light ---
--- ProcessGameSpecific ---
lightning model: quake3
lightmap size: 1024 x 1024 pixels
lightning gamma: 1.000000
lightning compensation: 1.000000
lightning exposure: 1.000000
lightgrid scale: 1.000000
lightgrid ambient scale: 1.000000
shader lightstyles hack: disabled
patch shadows: enabled
deluxemapping: enabled with modelspace deluxemaps
--- ProcessCommandLine ---
Fast mode enabled
Phong shading enabled
Loading C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-orange.1
Loading C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-orange.srf
************ ERROR ************
Error opening C:\Users\rory9\AppData\Roaming\ProjectRIK\Level Design\Maps\stealth-orange.1: No such file or directory

[21:40] FAILED Normal compile of "stealth-orange.1.map"


heh works for me too now.. Or rather, doesn't work. I'm guessing there was .srf files without the extension present for the name when I was testing yday.. Found the problem in rikmap too, the function for stripping extensions (i.e. removing .map so .srt can be added) sees the .1 as an extension and will strip it away some times where it shouldn't :)