Haven't quite decided on which of these (and others) to include yet. Have tons of pages of notes and a few chatlogs on misc of this stuff, this is just off the top of my head..

  • 1v1 sort of runs, basically just "challenge" another player and compete for the best time within XX minutes or XX attempts.
  • Basic team based runs (e.g. 3v3 like above, possibly split up between runtypes, e.g. 1 player does normal, another one does weapon, etc..)
  • "Marathon"-like runs, where 2 or more people play. P1 starts, then when p1 reaches p2, p2 gets the speed of p1, and p1 gets teleported to the next "checkpoint", and so on..) This would also be doable in a XvX kind of way.
  • Random obstacle runs
  • Freestyle "scoring", or even general style scoring for normal runs. This could end up being quite heavy code though, hence not so ideal for players with a lot of people playing.....
  • Runs where actual teamwork is required.
  • "Synchronous" runs.. E.g. 2v2. Each player on the team has to finish the run. If one of them fails, they both fail. Or maybe if one falls behind it will slow down the other.. *spitballing*
  • and more..