Especially for difficulty, maybe for looks/other stuff too.


Gotta figure out how exactly to "score" them as far as difficulty goes.

One way would be to simply categorize it as easy\etc, but that's a bit .. boring.. :P

Another way would be to have a normalized score, of e.g. 0 - 100 where 100 is the hardest. Then the points would be categorized e.g. <30 = easy, 30-70 = medium, 70-100 = hard, or sth like that. But just setting an arbitrary point amount would be weird. So categorizing it, e.g.

  • Strafe requirements (e.g. hard pad distances, etc..)
  • "skill" requirements (as in, walljumps, crouchslides, etc, aka special "skills" or tricks the player has).
  • Surf requirements?
  • "Route difficulty", i.e. how hard is it to actually reach the end, OR how "obvious" is it to know where to go? (i.e. some maps are basically a straight like, while others like e.g. stealth-orange takes a lot more thinking to figure out where/how to do it properly)
  • Slide requirements?
  • Stairs/ramps/doublejump requirements?? (e.g. zad-ragequit would go high up on this one)

Could display it along the lines of this:


I like the image you showed and i think you do need to do overall difficulty on a scale.

Overall Difficulty:

  • Easy < 4.5
  • Medium <6.5
  • Hard >6.6


  • a = Strafe/surf Difficulty: 1-10 - Depending on the map i see surf an strafing as the same thing. For instance, piercy-surf getting a strafe rating of 0 would very much skew the overall difficulty. So combining these stats seems fair.
  • b = Trick Difficulty: 1-10 - How difficult it is to perform the tricks in the run. hupo's wall jump map would probably be quite high up on this scale.
  • c = Route Difficulty: 1-10 - How hard is it to actually complete the route. This should maybe take into account the run length too.
  • d = Technical Difficulty: 1-10 - This is a tricky one to explain but basically how technical is the map. Individually maybe each trick is easy. So the trick difficulty could be low. However, when you put it all together it becomes technical. Piercy-surf is a good example of individual sections that can be done easily but when put together can be quite technical.
  • Overall Difficulty: (a + b + c + d)/4

Example Piercy-Surf:

  • a = 4
  • b = 5
  • c = 7
  • d = 7
  • Overall: (4+5+7+7)/4 = 5.75

Example Piercy-Rudi:

  • a = 2
  • b = 4
  • c = 3
  • d = 2
  • overall: (2+4+3+2)/4=2.75

Example Piercy-Ethos

  • a = 5
  • b= 5
  • c = 5
  • d = 5
  • Overall: 5

Aaand now they're all rated.

Based on a scale of 1 to 10. Shown in that graph-thingy in the sidebar.

Scored for difficulties for strafe, tricks, technicality, length, and route.

It will also be classified as easy\medium\hard depending on those scores.

All ratings <= 4: an easy map

One rating >= 9, or two ratings >= 7: a hard map

All others will be classified as medium.