Enabling autojump, largely because it also makes these two things inherently possible:

  1. Steep WJs when landing very close to the wall. As it was, you virtually couldn't time jumps fast enough in certain cases. Now you can just keep holding jump and clicking +cmd_special in time before you hit the steep and it'll do a WJ. This only applies to steep walljumps. For normal walljumps you'll have to release jump and click it again to do a WJ; just like before.
  2. Allowing the use of halfjumps close to walls. As it was, that would often result in an accidental walljump. As long as you're actually taking advantage of the autojump while close to a wall, any walljumps from FLAT walls will be ignored. (Unless you actually release and click jump again to do the WJ; just like before.)

1. I dont mind having autohop, tho I would like to be able to turn it off. Please!

2. Good job. it was kinda annoying.