Defrag force-specs anyone AFK, and doesn't count specs for votes. It's a good enough system KittenIgnition
The one downside I can see with that is if there are 2 people playing a map, one gets a phonecall and goes to spec for a few seconds, but want to keep playing the map right after, the other guy could call a vote that immediately passes.
So in that sense it effectively promotes you answer the phone while spawned, if you want to keep playing the map, which clashes with the whole "spectator experience" issue.Can someone see a downside to my idea? I might just be blind, but I can't..People will be auto put to spec after e.g. 15 min of inactivity. As far as votibg goes, Im thinking of trykng a no only voting system. As in the vote passes if people dont vote it down. If you have to take a phone call or sth and desperately dont want the map to vhange Id recommend staying close to the PC :pby Dinius
I like that idea. But how would you determine how many votes would be necessary for a vote to be cancelled? By a percentage of people currently racing, or by a percentage of people currently not AFK (no input for 90 sec or so)
(nice typo's btw! :D)Thanks, cell phone typing ftw!
E.g. > 50% no votes = it's canceled. The total number of voters calculated pretty much like you say. Anyone on a team that's not afk will most likely have had activity within e.g. last 90 seconds, and will be counted towards the total.The problem would be people who are spectating someone and not talking, but still there. But they could just be added to the total IF they decide to vote no.. :)
The problem would be people who are spectating someone and not talking, but still there. But they could just be added to the total IF they decide to vote no.. :)That's what I was referring to in OP :) Sounds good!by Dinius
Gimme a reason why not then? There's a perfectly valid reason as to WHY they should be put spec above.. :pby Dinius
It's nice to have a break on 2+hour runs.

It's nice to have a break on 2+hour runs.
by asda
Put a paper weight on your keyboard xd
It might come off as a joke but asda gave a pretty good reason. It's actually not that uncommon for me when I play a hard and long map to take a break the first time I play a map. :P
I've hardly ever seen a server with more than 2 afk's who weren't spec in defrag.Nobody wants a multiple-hour run on their profile.I don't really care about this when it's a really hard map. Being able to finish it is good enough for me no matter how long it took me. And yes I like it to be KittenIgnition
Not planning to have logout/login system, youll be logged all zeh taim :)by Dinius
Force login at game start-up, you mean? Or no login system at all? If so, how will you keep track of who's who, esp. upon name changes?
Yea, last version of Warsow only connected times to names. This is a botters heaven, since they didn't have to reg an account to start cheating, and they could easily change their nick between every map to make it harder to connect his seperate runs to him.
My thinking is that I guess it's more inviting to let people at least spec, but not join, without account. (register window pops up when they try to join the game or smth)But, now a days people are so used to having to create an account to even start a game that it rly shouldn't be that big a factor. I don't know :3this game will be on Steam right?by stealth
How about people who don't vote aren't added to the calculation. Then there's no reason to have them go auto TimothyK
the only problem with this is, how long is the vote time? Because lets say the map takes 40 seconds to complete in the fastest ever way. And the player is on there best run and doesnt want to risk pressing f2 (or whatever key) to vote no. Would they not be counted and the map suddenly change because of the vote?
the only problem with this is, how long is the vote time? Because lets say the map takes 40 seconds to complete in the fastest ever way. And the player is on there best run and doesnt want to risk pressing f2 (or whatever key) to vote no. Would they not be counted and the map suddenly change because of the vote?
by Piercy
I think the suggested case was meant for people in spec (or currently AFK, if you go by my idea). Active players should always be taken into account, no matter what.
admins pls:
make it configurable (on "community"-servers or call it "non-ranked"-server dont know). make everything configurable, also skins, also "red-line-lose-power", also "akf-goto-spec", enable "cgaz" or not.... Let the admin choose, just let the community create a standard, which settings they want as ranked
like it happened in league of legends
Dunno anything about league. But there won't be any "community" servers, not any time soon at least. A large part of the point here is to have a standard for things. That "standard" can of course be adapted where it makes sense. But there's no upside in having 100 servers with 100 different configurations, just makes things harder for newbies and all in all quite messy for everyone. The "standard" can be created just as good without having a ton of "server admins" messing around with all kinds of settings :)
So it will not be possible to create a private server? Like we know it from minecraft/some steamgames? (important question)
But back to the settings: (also important, but I must accept ur implementation)
I dont know the game, but i think you have a server-list ingame... I also think this server list has a filter (like other games have: "server is empty", "has players", "current-map" etc. pp.). This filter could have a checkbox "Ranked Settings" or "Standard", which will deactivate ur own filter to get just ranked-settings-servers... so the problems with the noobs are solved?
As example source-engine-games has a great Filter. Noob-User uses the "noob-search-list", which just show the image of the map, looks nice, great design possibilites...
But in this games (what i think its a very nice option) its possible to filter the games.
My english is bad, but if you want, I draw it to understand it easier?
PS: To the filter: How I see it: Source-Games filters the game by client... So if you want to realize that with "ranked-settings" you need to send the completly settings and compare every single one from every server?
The other way would be that the client just create requests and the server answer with the result... both ways are too slow (if you have 1000 servers to filter by client or even if you have 1000 requests of users...).
Maybe its easier just to set a flag "ranked-settings": true, so its not possible to filter single settings, but it would allow to implement the solution for the noobs...
just a suggestion....
Private servers: In the future it probably will, but most likely not self-hosted.
As for the rest, just wait and see how it turns out... :)