
I was a casual Q2/3 player but never really got into Defrag. I always wanted to give a race gamemode a try so this seems perfect. I've been messing with it a bit and understand the mechanics of circlejumps and strafejumps, but my execution is pretty balls.

What is the current max speed you can get from a level-ground CJ? And also, would it be possible to determine the max speed programatically? So say if you change the physics around a bit, you could still type "/max_cj" for example and it would tell you the maximum speed possible in a perfect jump. I've been practicing CJ's for a while over the last couple of days and since it's the cornerstone of a run's start it would be nice to know how close I am (or am not).

Either way great game so far. Once I get better I'll start playing on the Aussie server, and thanks for providing one.


I'll try to put out a CJ map along the lines of piercy's strarfepad map later tonight, that sort of stuff the only decent way to practice imo. I.e. seeing which distances you can reach or not, the greater the distance the better the CJ (= more speed).

Yes, it's possible to calculate the maximum, and yes it would also be possible with something like /max_cj. But that's not really going to help you do a better CJ, nor do I feel like sitting down and doing the math required for it.

As of right now you can try e.g. the sp1_extreme map (/dm sp1_extreme). The CJ level there is the hardest one currently available :)

Thanks, that map will be very helpful.

And fair enough. I was just wondering if it was a "free" calculation so to speak but if you need to add more code then screw it. And I'll try out the sp1_extreme CJ pads eventually... still stuck on the sp1_hard double/stairjump section haha

Also thanks for the quick reply based dev.

Here you go, glhf :P
