Some quick notes...

  • If it's not given any speed parameters, use the distance like normally
  • If the speed parameter, if it's < 100, then it's a percentage scaler ... meaning a value of 1 = the same speed, 0.1 = 10% of your speed. 10 = 10x your current speed.
  • If you set a speed parameter, it will per default use the directon of the target
  • You can completely ignore the direction, and just boost the speed.
  • OnlyVertical 1/0 - To use only Z speed without caring about direction.
  • ChangeDirection 1/0 - Whether or not it should change your x\y direction, or just change/scale the speed.
  • SpeedModes:
    1. default, sets the speed. Will slow you down.
    2. Makes sure you have at least that amount of speed.
    3. Adds the given amount of speed to what you already have
    4. Takes away the given amount of speed.

Upping prio for this coz it's needed for circuit, sort of.

Finished now.

There are two keys, "speed" and "mode" and you can use a target_position or not, different behavior depending on how you combine these.

More information in the entity documentation which can be found here: