Some quick notes...
- If it's not given any speed parameters, use the distance like normally
- If the speed parameter, if it's < 100, then it's a percentage scaler ... meaning a value of 1 = the same speed, 0.1 = 10% of your speed. 10 = 10x your current speed.
- If you set a speed parameter, it will per default use the directon of the target
- You can completely ignore the direction, and just boost the speed.
- OnlyVertical 1/0 - To use only Z speed without caring about direction.
- ChangeDirection 1/0 - Whether or not it should change your x\y direction, or just change/scale the speed.
- SpeedModes:
- default, sets the speed. Will slow you down.
- Makes sure you have at least that amount of speed.
- Adds the given amount of speed to what you already have
- Takes away the given amount of speed.