RIK development is on hold. (more info)
- July 02, 2015 by DiniusSettings go missing?
- [ Maybe ] Look into it..
- July 02, 2015 by DiniusEmoticons bugged on latest android version
- [ Can't reproduce 2 ] Happens with all emoticons. Phone is moto g (second gen) on android 5.1.1 running cyanogen mod
- July 01, 2015 by DiniusProfile setting to enable map source sharing
- [ Normal ]
- June 30, 2015 by Piercyissue when uploading a new version of a test map while its running on the server
- [ Won't Fix 2 ] If you upload a new version of the test map, while its running on the server. It doesnt seem to fully update. I had to change map and upload it...
- June 30, 2015 by DiniusComing off the spine of a surf ramp slows you down..
- [ Won't Fix 4 ] It would appear coming off the spine of a surf ramp slows you down a lot more than coming off the end, even if you do roughly the same curve. Been...
- June 30, 2015 by DiniusSome features/adjustments
- [ Low ] Setting for whether or not the "start radiant" button should open the currently selected map ctrl+c copy selected map file ctrl+shift+c copy...
- June 29, 2015 by Diniustest maps zip files contain the .map
- [ Won't Fix 1 ] test maps zip files contain the .map when downloaded from the server / site
- June 29, 2015 by DiniusSome sort of .. "activity log" at the main rankings page
- [ Normal ] Like now, the records for hupo-worm were invalidated.. It would be nice for people to be able to see that clearly.. :)
- June 29, 2015 by Diniusadmin: closing the map-verified-successfully window doesn't work by unfocusing it
- [ Low ]
- June 29, 2015 by DiniusBefore updating, give a message to close rikdev+rikrad+rik.exe if running
- [ Low ]
- June 29, 2015 by DiniusPowerjump view glitch
- [ Can't reproduce ] It's definitely still around, I just can't seem to reproduce it. Seems to happen randomly. Could be my keyboard fucking up...
- June 28, 2015 by DiniusMisc command spamprotection
- [ Normal ]
- June 28, 2015 by DiniusRecent levels in the sidebar, append the time?
- [ Maybe ] e.g. hupo-z 2 days ago
- June 28, 2015 by DiniusAutowj 1 bug with sloperunning
- [ Normal 1 ] player_autowj 1 on a slope, e.g. easy17, do a normal jump then hold +cmd_special and try to sloperun it will autojump continouslyE: will only...
- June 28, 2015 by DiniusBase autojump on Z heights instead of fall speed since last jump?
- [ Maybe ]
- June 27, 2015 by DiniusChanging cam movement speed crashes
- [ Low ]
- June 27, 2015 by DiniusGive some choices when starting launcher manually
- [ Low ] Give some options for what to do, atm it'll set some registry stuff.. Fix registry paths Force a fresh update / rescan all files Download a...
- June 27, 2015 by DiniusFinalize shootpoint prediction
- [ Normal ] The stuff from the previous one is largely experimental, didn't really have time to make anything really "proper", so I did some quick stuff mostly...
- June 25, 2015 by DiniusTeleporters
- [ Normal ] Some quick notes.. Maxspeed and minspeed keys? ViewAngleModes default, resets like it is now. Doesn't touch...
- June 24, 2015 by DiniusShow checkpoint hits without being in run
- [ Normal ] Just to see whether you hit it or not. Possibly counting time from last load (when using ss and stuff..)
- June 24, 2015 by Diniusv2 etc of maps got reset image counts
- [ Discarded ] Some levels, my dini cj, couple of zad's maps lost their image counts when revisioned lately.. Can't reproduce it though..
- June 24, 2015 by DiniusNotification on servers when there's a new level available
- [ Low ]
- June 24, 2015 by DiniusLine showing which part will be clipped off
- [ Low ] It's always the LEFT part that will be cut off. Imagine you're standing at point 0 looking at point 1, the left part will be gone. But still the...
- June 23, 2015 by DiniusBackup files before they're updated
- [ Low ]
- June 23, 2015 by DiniusIgnore files for update
- [ Low ]