First of all: player_mouse_sensitivity changes mouse sensitivity
W, A, S D | Player movement. |
C or SHIFT | Crouch. Hold when landing to do a crouchslide. (+cmd_crouch) |
Spacebar | Jump. You can hold it to autojump e.g. stairs, but not flat ground. (+cmd_jump) |
Left mouse (mouse1) | Shoot (+cmd_shoot) |
Right mouse (mouse2) | The "special" key (+cmd_special). This is a modifier key that enables walljumps, sloperunning, and such, when you click it. |
F4 | Respawn (cmd_respawn) |
F | Toggle triggers and shootpoints. (cmd_toggletriggers) |
CTRL or mouse side buttons | Save and load your position. Click CTRL to load, hold it to save the position. (cmd_save, cmd_load) |
F1 / F2 | Vote yes / vote no (cmd_vote yes/no) |
E | Switches between laser and other weapons. (cmd_weapon ...) |
R | Switches between rocket and plasma. |
END | Quits the game (\quit or \exit) |
HOME | Disconnects from the server. |
TAB | Shows connected players. Use mouse wheel to scroll up and down in the list |
N | Enables "noobmode", automatic acceleration while holding W. |
M | Toggles mute (sound_volume and sound_musicvolume) |
ESC and some other keys | Opens console. /help for some misc info. |
T | Chat. You can also write in the console directly, or even the 'command prompt' window if you are running in windowed or minimized mode. |
Updated November 18, 2015